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Nothing beats a nice warm shower after a long day and when you use the right products, it becomes such a calming and therapeutic experience. What’s even better is when the results meet our expectations…softer hair and skin are all we’re really looking for! Read on to discover some must-have shower products that will transform your self-care routine. 

Bobana, Yoghurt Spa Salt 

This is a great in-shower product that is easy on the skin and delivers instant results, so satisfying. The natural exfoliating properties in this scrub will help remove dead skin cells, aid in eliminating ingrown hairs and leave you with smooth, glowing skin.

Alb Shower Filters, Shower Filter

Tried and tested, the Alb Shower Filter is a great way of tackling the problem from the source. You just insert it between your shower head and hose and it works to soften the water, making it more ideal for dry skin and dull hair. Chlorine, fluoride and heavy metals are minimized making the water clean and pollutant-free and allowing you to have a more purified shower experience. By reducing itchiness and redness and providing greater hydration to your skin and hair, this necessary tool is one you will not be able to shower without. 

Smack That Scrub, Untie The Knot Conditioner

One of the best feelings is washing down a good conditioner and realizing how soft your hair is. The Untie The Knot Conditioner by Smack That Scrub will work at healing your tired strands and restoring moisture, smoothing out your hair tangles and leaving your hair feeling refreshed with no residue. It also has a wonderful, clean scent. 

Nut Botanicals, Detachable Dry Brush

A great addition to your shower routine, the dry brush is a body-care tool used right before the shower. It will reduce the appearance of cellulite and remove dead skin cells leaving your skin smooth and shiny. Before bathing or showering, gently dry brush your body. Start at your feet and move towards your heart with short lifting strokes to stimulate circulation. The Detachable Dry Brush by Smack That Scrub is super versatile and its detachable handle is great for those hard-to-reach areas. It will help improve blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system, whilst the exfoliating medium-stiffness bristles will help eliminate strawberry skin and give you glowing skin. 

Bubblzz, Lavender Bath Bomb

This bath bomb is the perfect way to unwind at the end of a long day. Formulated with lavender essential oil to help you relax, improve sleep, and reduce anxiety. Bath bombs contain sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, both of which work wonders for the skin; these ingredients help repair, cleanse, and deodorize the skin.

Haven, Anti Cellulite Coffee Scrub

تخلصي من السيلوليت مرة واحدة وإلى الأبد مع نتائج فعالة خلال أسابيع مع مقشر القهوة من هيفن , غني بالزنجبيل والقرفة لرفع الجلد من الداخل وتعزيز الدورة الدموية اللي بتستهدف الساقين والوركين والمعدة. لنتائج افضل استخدمى معاه زيت شد البشرة بالقهوة

Everyoung, Tree Tea Oil Shower Gel

شاور جل إيفر يونج بزيت شجرة الشاي هو شاور جل طبيعي خالي من الصابون وغني بزيت شجرة الشاي المستخلص من جنوب كوينز لاند، أستراليا. تركيبة تنقي البشرة وتمنع ظهور حب الشباب.

Luff Your Skin, Raw Large

أستمتعى بحمام دافئ ومنعش مع إستخدامك ليفة Raw من لاف يور سكين. ليفة مثالية للأستخدام اليومي, هتساعدك على تنظيف جسمك والتخلص من طبقات الجلد الميت على سطح البشرة بدون التسبب فى إلتهاب الجلد. مع مداومة الأستخدام هتكشفى عن بشرة نظيفة وناعمة. كمان هتترك بشرتك نضرة بفضل فرك الجلد وتحفيز الدورة الدموية لجلدك.

Noon, Rice Soap

جربي زيت الأرز، يفتح البشرة ويديها لون موحد. مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة (بما فيها البشرة الحساسة) يفتح لون البشرة، يوحدها، هيمنحك نضارة، ويقلل من مظهر الندوب ويعالج البقع الشفايف الداكنة.

Hathor, The Detoxifier

Achieve soft and luxurious skin with The Detoxifier. An all natural, brown sugar body scrub that will gently buff away dry skin and deliver 24-hour moisture. Ideal for all skin types this scrub will provide a cooling sensation that will work to soothe joint and muscle pain, and help soothe and relax your body by working to release toxins.

Picture Credit: Pinterest

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